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Vehicle Auction by VIN: 5FNYF3H22DB042217
2013 Honda Pilot 3.5l 6 silver at Auction
Vehicle Auction 2013 Honda Pilot II 3.5l 6 silver. The car has been listed at auction with lot number: 86147834. The auction date is 11.02.2025, and it will take place in OK - Oklahoma City.
Sale History by VIN: 5FNYF3H22DB042217
Vehicle Condition: Engine Starts
Vehicle Damage: Front End , Minor Dent/Scratches
Vehicle Mileage: 105944 miles
Seller: GEICO
Retail Value: $1000
Key Vehicle Details:
Key Availability: Yes
Vehicle Status: Engine Starts
Find complete photos and details in the auction gallery, where you can check the vehicle's exterior and interior condition and verify damages.
Download the VIN report for 5FNYF3H22DB042217 to thoroughly check the vehicle's history, including:
Accident records.
Registration and ownership details.
Odometer readings and mileage.
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